Hello, my name is Greg and I love doodling on post-it notes. During my day job as a front-end developer, I have long used doodling to help me concentrate during phone calls. Most of these drawings end up as nonsense scribbles, what you’d consider a doodle by definition. However, occasionally those scribbles turn into faces, and some of them actually turn out pretty good. I got to the point where I had enough of a collection that a co-worker convinced me to start an Instagram account. I did just that, and starting on December 23rd 2019 through December 23rd 2020, I posted one new drawing each day for a year.
During that time, my style evolved dramatically, which I believe happens naturally any time you commit to the habit of perfecting a skill. I realized treating these as brainless doodles was limiting my artistic progress, so I started sketching out ideas before inking. My drawings have since become much more polished, thought-out pieces. While small (3” by 3”), in my mind they are finished illustrations because of the effort I put into each one. And although I no longer post to Instagram daily, I do try to upload something new 4-5 times per week.